Sunday, 29 April 2018

How to let God in

So yesterday I had another very difficult encounter. It was with someone who I love very dearly but who challenges every action I try to put into practice to live a life of love and joyfulness. I had a fitful  nights sleep, feeling irritated and my mind persistently stewing over events that are now so far in the past to those that have happened recently. When ever they popped into my head I consciously told them to go away but within minutes they were back. I have read many times that by meditating and clearing our mind it allows God to come in. I'm not very good at meditating, the voice in my head is always wittering on and I find it hard to turn it off but I kept trying. During the day I still felt upset. My anxiety levels seemed to increase and I honestly felt like bursting into tears but I kept telling those bad thoughts to go away and I kept trying to clear my mind. In truth, if I managed to clear my head for more than a minute at a time I'd be surprised but that must have been enough because later this afternoon I suddenly had a moment of clarity. A voice in my head explained to me why I was feeling like I was. It was like a dark curtain had been opened or a weight had been lifted I suddenly felt so much easier and I knew how I should go forward. That is all it took, a clear mind to let God in and in he came with all the answers. How easy is that. I now feel so grateful that the experience has been so enlightening.

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