Thursday, 15 November 2018

A lesson about faith

A few months ago in the summer I was tested or maybe I was given an opportunity to learn a very important lesson. The weeks before had been glorious, the best you could wish for. Sunshine, no stress, spending long summer days with the man I love enjoying everything life had to offer. I had been doing some meditations focusing on prosperity and abundance. In the midst of this perfect existence we were suddenly put in an unusual situation. In our narrow minds we could not see how this could be a good experience, our fears told us that we must do everything we could to get out of this situation and return to the normality we had been experiencing. Inside I felt that there was some meaning behind what was happening but I did not know what and my fears were very present as much as my husbands were. I tried to meditate but I was unable to find calm. I’m not making excuses but it happened at the wrong time of the month when my hormones were making me particularly sensitive and my husbands fears were so strong that I felt I was being swept away by them. We let our fears determine our choices. At a crucial point I remember having a sudden feeling that we should step back and let fate take it’s course and fate in fact stepped in as far as I was concerned and stopped me from making a very costly mistake but my husband was not having any of this. Despite the signs trying to stop him he continued to push forward with his plans and eventually they came in to play. With hind sight we can now see that those choices were not only costly financially and still causing my husband a lot of stress but had we leaned back, let go and let God we would have had more money now than we would have had before (maybe my earlier meditations focusing on abundance and prosperity were the course of this)  and possibly some happy memories of that period in time. For myself  I did not suffer financially although my fear stopped me from gaining financially either. I did learn a valuable lesson though. I wonder now if that was God’s plan. They say nothing is meaningless. I look back now and realise if my faith was stronger and I was able then to put my fears aside and connect with God I could have dealt with the situation better. I cannot control my husband’s fears however and they may have been so strong that the outcome would have remained the same. I feel blessed that I have learned and this lesson has stayed with me and is helping me now. I have prayed to God to end my husband’s stress and put right his financial loss. I don’t like to see him so worried. I know that this is between God and him but I can only send my love.

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