Sunday 20 May 2018

Changing Perspective

I have realised that when I pray for a situation to change quite often what comes back in return is a change on how I look at a situation.  My deepest wish is that I can feel at peace with my life but at the moment there are aspects about my life that I feel unsettled about. I feel like I don't give enough and then thoughts of 'what have I got to give?' come into my head. I have no particular talents, I don't have a lot financially and I lack the confidence to go out a make a difference to the world. I often feel that I lack in other ways too. I want to help my children more, I want to give more to family members in need I want to ease the financial responsibility from my husband so he doesn't have to do a job he hates.  What I pray for now is to change my thoughts to those of abundance instead of lack - I have so much that I have plenty to give instead of I have nothing to give. To give without expecting in return. To know that I can give, however insignificant it may seem a phone call, a smile, an ear to listen, £5 to charity and it all matters. A change of perspective. 

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